Sunday, August 7, 2011

Mama and her Videos

Mama loves to watch videos. She has stacks and stacks of VHS videos and a growing collection of DVDs. The only problem is, with her dementia, she'll begin to look for one video and by the time she has searched not more than half of her stacks, she can't remember which one it was. She is always commenting how she used to have a film but can't find it anymore. She thinks someone comes and takes them, and is sure the ladies that clean our house must be slipping them out and bringing them back. After all, who wouldn't want to watch her glorious collection.

At one time, she kept them in some sort of order, and she continues to try to semi-organize them, but for her that means, putting the ones she has watched on the chair, the ones to be watched on the floor in front of the TV, and the rest somewhere in-between. More and more, I'm finding DVDs and Videos in the wrong cases. My sister borrowed MURPHY'S ROMANCE and when she arrived home, found DALLAS in the case.

I know we are in for a conversation when I hear, "Can you get videos on your computer?" meaning she wants to know if I can look up availability or buy them. Numerous times she has asked me if I could buy THE HIDING PLACE, SONG OF BERNADETTE, MURPHY'S ROMANCE, and LONESOME DOVE, just a few that I either have to find so she knows she already has them (because she won't believe me if I just tell her she does), or tell her I'll order them (hoping she'll forget, until the next time).

Here is how our evening progressed last night:
"What are you looking for Mom?" after she hollered up from downstairs, the familiar, "Can you get videos on your computer?"

"There's another ANNE OF GREEN GABLES video. I only have the first one and ANNE OF AVONLEA."
"Yes, Mom, there is another one, the third in the series, and you have it. You have all three."
The ANNE series is another one we've discussed before, so I know they are somewhere in her collection.

"No, I don't. I only have ANNE OF GREEN GABLES and ANNE OF AVONLEA. I saw another one in an advertisement and I want to get that one."
"You have it, Mom."
"NO, I DON'T have it," her agitation is rising and I have to decide if I want to just tell her I'll order it, or go downstairs and look for it.

My decision made to look, I hear, "I just watched two videos of ANNE OF GREEN GABLES and then two of ANNE OF AVONLEA (part 1 & 2 of each). I DON'T have any others and I want to get them."
"Well, let me look. I think you might."

I find the video case of ANNE OF GREEN GABLES, THE CONTINUING STORY and it has part 1 in it, plus part 1 of LAWRENCE OF ARABIA. After hunting for the other LAWRENCE video (it also has two parts), I find both parts of THE CONTINUING STORY and take it to Mom.
"Here is is, I did find it."
"Are you sure that's the next one? I want all three!"
"Yes, Mom, I'm sure. This is the third part of the series. She is older and married to Gil in this one."
Surprised, she says, "When did they get married?" even though she has watched the series many times.
"In-between the second and the third parts."

After I hand it to her, she looks puzzled and points out, "But this says on the front ANNE OF GREEN GABLES. I've already seen the first one."
I take all three sets and show them to her, "There you are, three, each has two videos to watch."

The title ANNE OF GREEN GABLES is confusing her (and by now, maybe confusing the reader of this blog). She says, "ANNE OF GREEN GABLES, THE CONTINUING STORY should be after the first one, then ANNE OF AVONLEA."
I laugh, "Well, that's not how they did it." With the laughter at their idiocy, her agitation is lessening, but she is not convinced.

"I don't think that's right. I think you're wrong. I want all three and in order."
"They are all there. Here I'll show you."
I stack them in order, reading off the titles one more time.
Having decided, reluctantly, I might be right, she pulls out the two videos and says, "Which one is which?"
I show her, "This is pt 1."
She laughs, "Ok, now put it in for me will you, while you are standing there."

I put the video in, as we laugh, and it starts playing scenes from the first two videos in the entire series as an introduction to the third one. Sigh. I know what's coming next.

"See, I told you, this one is the first one. It has ANNE as a young girl!"
"Just wait,  Mom, it will come. They are just showing scenes from the first videos."

Finally, a scene with Anne older as we get to the beginning of the third part of the series.
"There she is, see she is older, this is the third part. Look how old Anne and Diana are now."

"Well, I don't know. I'm still not sure this is the third one. I think YOU'VE got them all mixed up."
Time for me to go back upstairs.